Shop Dr. Jenn’s Store for Breast Cancer Supplements and Resources
Learn the 5 supplements that every woman with breast cancer should be taking.

Our Programs

Special Care for Breast Cancer Parients

Extraordinary care for unique individuals like you who want to do all they can to restore their health!

In a world where traditional medical systems often focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes, our programs stand out. We focus on building health rather than supressing symptoms.
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Dr Jenn

The truth is, you have the power to reclaim your health

Breast cancer isn't a blessing.
But it is an opportunity to take stock of your life and figure out what is and isn’t working!
It’s an opportunity to live a better, healthier, more meaningful life than you were before.

YOU get to CHOOSE.

Check out Dr. Jenn’s Integrative Oncology Programs 

Breast Health Blueprint

The Breast Health Blueprint, led by Dr. Jenn Simmons, is a transformative program designed to help you uncover your why and empower you with the knowledge and skills to take control of your breast health. This comprehensive program provides a roadmap for reducing your risk of breast cancer recurrence, restoring overall health, and fostering a fearless, vibrant lifestyle.
What's Included in your Breast Health Blueprint:
Welcome Kit: Hand-selected, Dr. Jenn-approved products to kickstart your healing journey.
Access to Tools for Stress Management and Resilience building.
Recipes, Resource, Laboratory Guides and more.
Membership to a Private, Supportive Online Community.
Transformational Video Modules to learn essential insights and step by step guidance for vibrant breast health.
Nutrition Genome Kit to unlock your DNA to create a personalized health and nourishment plan.
One-on-One Coaching for tailored support and personalized plans.
Live Q&A with Dr. Jenn, ten weekly sessions to get your Questions Answered, Feel Heard and Stay Motivated.
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Real Health 

Hormone Optimization

A hormone replacement and health maintenance program carefully designed for the woman who has completed her breast cancer treatment and wants to restore health and balance to her body.
One In-Person Visit with Dr. Jenn
Up to Three Virtual Visits with Dr. Jenn
Resources and Support
Direct Messaging Support
Lab Interpretations
*Lab Fee's Not Included*
Need more Support?  Option to add on additional health coaching sessions.
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What Women are Saying

I wanted to write that I'm only up to video 4 and it's been such a precious learning experience. I've had DCIS for 8 years and the information Dr. Simmons provides is so helpful. There are so many Wow and Ah ha moments! I wish more of my friends could have access to this training!!! I've had TCM, ND care and so forth, but after just a few weeks of Dr. Jenn's course, now finally my condition all makes sense and I feel so empowered! Yes, truly the culprit is inflammation and having the tools to heal the inflammation is so helpful! I can't wait to complete the sessions.

Praise for Real Health MD


We don't treat symptoms. We pursue  health.

Health care on your terms

Our practice is entirely virtual. We help you to create your health where it happens, at home.

Professionals who listen to you

Get more out of your health with personalized guidance from our team of experts.

Guidance meant to empower you

We spend time getting to know you and your needs, so you’ll feel understood.
It is Estimated That
1 in 8
Will receive a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Dr. Jenn and her Team can Support any Woman on her Breast Cancer Journey

Hi there, we’re so happy that you are here.

We know many of you may have received the worst news of your life or you may be seeking more resources to improve your health, no matter where you are on your breast cancer journey please know that in our community you are supported and you are encouraged.
We know you’re scared
We know you may be confused
We know you may feel overwhelmed

YOU have the power to turn your health around, let us show you.

You are probably here because you are:
Currently on your breast cancer journey and you’re seeking deeper healing
In remission and you want to keep it that way
Supporting a friend or a loved one with breast cancer
Have the breast cancer gene
Living with metastatic disease
You’re concerned because breast cancer runs in your family
Been recently diagnosed with breast cancer
You’re not satisfied with your treatment plan and you’re looking for alternatives
Interested in functional and integrative medicine
Currently on your breast cancer journey and you’re seeking deeper healing
Empowered, excited and MOTIVATED to reclaim your health

You are in the right place and our programs and resources could change your life.

Meet your trusted guide and Chief Medical Officer of Real Health MD, Dr. Jenn Simmons.

Integrative Oncologis
Functional Medicine Expert
Women’s Health Advocate
I walked away from a prestigious job to fulfill my heart's mission because there is a huge need in this world: 240,000 American women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer each year...

It is my mission to positively impact 2 Million women with this diagnosis to live better, healthier lives, without the threat and fear of illness hanging over them.

It is my goal to teach women how to live a vitality-filled, joyous life.

My Answer to Breast Cancer is how I will fulfill my mission, giving women hope, health, and their power back.

I know in my bones that this 12-week course will change your life.

It is an incredible privilege for me to be able to support you during this most important journey of your life.
Get to know the Real Health MD Team

Imagine if you had the support to create a life where you are:

Back in control
Confident that someone is there to lead you in the right direction
Energetic during treatment
Imagine walking the dogs at 7AM, working full time, and living your BEST life (YES - it's possible)
Nourished, both physically and emotionally
Knowing how to detox and nourish your body back to health
Relieved that you don't have to do this alone
Have the support system you deserve to thrive during your journey
Learn More about the My Answer to Breast Cancer Programs


Throughout these programs, I have realized that I have more control over my health than a lot of these doctors have led me to believe.
Hope R
Philadelphia, PA
I’m a year out from my diagnosis and I’ve never felt healthier in my life. I feel stronger than ever, and I know it’s because of what I’m doing and learning with RealHealthMD.
Abby M
Plymouth Meeting, PA
Jenn just put so many more tools and healthy changes in my life. They are keeping me healthy and I feel fabulous. I feel like I’m a totally different person!
Garnet Valley, PA

My Answer to Breast Cancer has significantly improved overall health, hormone levels, cholesterol levels, and tumor markers, as well as creating ZERO evidence of disease in participants.

You have the opportunity to eliminate the pain and suffering that comes from a breast cancer diagnosis and identify as a healthy, thriving individual.
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